Thursday, September 12, 2019

Nashville Public Adjusters Help With Insurance Claims

Has your insurance company denied your claim? Is your insurer dragging its feet? Are you disappointed in your insurance company’s offer? If so, then you may want to hire a public adjuster in Nashville, Tennessee.

A growing number of property owners in Nashville have chosen to hire public adjusters to manage tricky insurance claims. Whether dealing with home insurance claims or business claims, public insurance adjusters can increase payouts while taking a weight off your shoulders.

A public adjuster’s job is to represent you – the policyholder. They do not represent the insurance company. Their goal is to maximize the payout you receive from your insurance company. They keep insurance companies honest and prevent them from taking advantage of inexperienced policyholders.

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Why Hire a Public Adjuster in Nashville?

When you file a claim with your insurance company, your insurance company will send their adjuster to assess the claim. This adjuster’s goal is simple: to pay you the lowest possible amount legally allowed according to the terms of your insurance contract.

Your insurance company’s adjuster might deny coverage for obscure terms like ‘wind driven rain’, for example. Or, they could claim you failed to maintain your property.

Some Nashville insurance companies even take this to the next level. They take advantage of inexperienced homeowners. They might submit a lowball offer, for example, or seem to invent reasons to deny your claim.

Public adjusters are a way to avoid this hassle. Public adjusters represent you – not the insurance company. They have your own best interests in mind. Their goal is to put more money in your pockets at a time when you need it most.

Public adjusters get paid a pre-arranged percentage fee based on the final payout from your insurance company. Most public adjusters charge nothing upfront whatsoever. Because of this unique fee structure, hiring a public adjuster may only be worth it for claims worth over $10,000.

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Public Adjuster in Nashville TN

How Do Nashville Public Claims Adjusters Work?

Nashville public adjusters take over your claim. Some Nashville property owners hire a public adjuster immediately after the loss. Others only hire an adjuster after encountering problems with their insurer.

Here are the basic steps a Nashville public adjuster will take when approaching your claim:

Step 1) The public adjuster assesses your claim and your insurance policy, then determines the estimated payout

Step 2) The adjuster negotiates with your insurance company over the loss

Step 3) The adjuster secures a payout for you up to 2 to 3 times higher than the initial settlement offer

Step 4) The policyholder pays the adjuster a pre-arranged fee based on the final settlement

In most cases, the pre-arranged fee (typically 10% to 15%) is the only fee charged by the public adjuster. There are no upfront fees or other charges, and you don’t pay until you accept the insurance company’s final offer.

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How to Find a Public Adjuster in Nashville, TN

ClaimsMate is here to help policyholders in Tennessee get the claim adjusting help they need and deserve. Our public adjusters have years of experience solving tricky insurance problems for policyholders like you.

Contact us today to speak with a public adjuster that can help with your claim in Nashville. Our public adjusters are experienced, licensed, locally-based professionals with proven expertise. They give policyholders like you the best possible chance of maximizing the value of your claim – even doubling or tripling the amount initially offered by your insurer.

ClaimsMate is here to help. Contact a Nashville public adjuster today. We have public adjusters standing by eager to take on all types and sizes of insurance claims.

Original Post Here: Nashville Public Adjusters Help With Insurance Claims

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to Prepare for Examination Under Oath (EUO) During an Insurance Claim

Insurance Claim Examination Under Oath

Examination under oath, or EUO, is a tactic used by insurance companies to limit fraudulent activity. Every year, insurance companies across America lose billions of dollars to insurance fraud. By examining policyholders under oath, the insurance company may be able to discourage fraud.

What is examination under oath? How does EUO work? How can you prepare to be examined under oath? Today, we’re explaining everything you need to know about being examined under oath.

What is an Examination Under Oath?

An examination under oath (EUO) may be requested by your insurance company after a certain insurance claim. In some cases, the insurance company is simply performing its due diligence to clear up confusion about any facts before paying out a claim. In other cases, the insurance company requests an examination under oath when it believes the policyholder has committed fraud.

In some cases, an insurance company may be using an examination under oath as a ‘fishing expedition’: looking for any excuse to deny your claim, and trying to intimidate law-abiding policyholders.

Let’s say your house is damaged in a fire. Your home and its possessions have been severely damaged by fire, smoke, heat, and soot. You’re left with hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. You make a home insurance claim and document all your losses.

Your home insurance company gives you a claim number and begins to process the claim. The insurance company’s adjuster arrives at your home to document and assess the damages. You move out of the house, keeping all your receipts for additional living expenses (ALE) like food and lodging while your home gets repaired.

Everything seems to be going well – until you suddenly receive a letter in the mail ordering you to appear for an examination under oath to answer questions related to your home insurance claim.

What can you expect for your examination under oath? Are you in trouble? Keep reading to find out.

What to Expect During an Examination Under Oath

An examination under oath is a formal proceeding during which an insured policyholder is questioned by a representative of the insurance company, under oath and in the presence of a court reporter. Typically, the representative of the insurance company is a lawyer.

The goal of the examination under oath is to obtain all necessary information for evaluating and processing an insured individual’s claim. When the examination is ‘under oath’, it means you are legally required to tell the truth. You have legally sworn that your answers are truthful.

Does an Examination Under Oath Mean I’m in Trouble?

An examination under oath can be an intimidating process for a policyholder with no history of wrongdoing. Sitting in a room answering questions under oath from a lawyer with a court reporter typing every word is an intimidating process to most people.

However, an examination under oath does not necessarily mean you are in trouble. In most cases, the insurance company is simply doing its due diligence. It may be required before the insurance company pays out a multi-million dollar claim, for example.

In other cases, of course, the insurance company does suspect foul play, and the examination under oath is designed to protect the insurance company from insurance fraud.

Overall, the goal of the examination under oath is simply to collect all the facts of your case. The insurance company wants to collect all relevant information from the insured policyholder, giving the policyholder every opportunity to thoroughly document the claim before the insurance company makes a final decision to accept or deny the claim.

Am I Required to Attend My Examination Under Oath?

The insurance company has a right to request an examination under oath from its customers. Typically, there’s a specific part of your policy that covers examination under oath. It’s often listed in the ‘Duties After Loss’ section.

If you fail to comply with the insurance company’s request for an examination under oath, then you’re not technically breaking the law. However, you are breaching the contract you signed with your insurance company, in which case you’re giving the insurance company an excuse to deny your claim.

Consider Hiring a Public Adjuster to Prepare You for an Examination Under Oath

Some insurance companies are too liberal with their examinations under oath. They use EUOs to intimidate law-abiding policyholders, for example.

Or, some insurance companies use EUOs as a ‘fishing expedition’. The insurance company could be searching for an excuse to deny your insurance claim, and they’re fishing for that excuse during your examination.

For all of these reasons, it may be in your best interest to hire a lawyer or public insurance adjuster to prepare for your examination under oath. A public adjuster or insurance attorney can help you prepare for your examination under oath, explaining what to expect during the meeting and what to reveal.

Some of the services provided by a public adjuster when dealing with an examination under oath include:

  • Helping to gather and organize all documentation and facts required by the insurance company, including photos of home damage, bank statements, tax returns, records of previous insurance claims, and other information
  • Familiarizing clients with the structure of the EUO, including the questions to expect, how to answer those questions, and how to counter certain claims by the insurance company
  • Teaching clients the ‘tricks’ used by insurance companies to weaken a client’s claim, limiting the damages the insurance company has to pay
  • Rehearsing testimony to ensure your legitimate insurance claim is covered according to the terms of your policy

If your insurance company has requested an examination under oath, then it may be in your best interest to hire a public adjuster – especially if you have done nothing wrong.

A good public adjuster will push back against the examination under oath, fighting for the policyholder to ensure everything is covered according to the terms of your policy.
Contact a public adjuster from ClaimsMate today to ensure you are prepared for your examination under oath.

Original Post Here: How to Prepare for Examination Under Oath (EUO) During an Insurance Claim