Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Medina Texas Public Insurance Adjusters

Medina, TX is best-known for its apples. But as residents know, Medina is also famous for its wild weather. Like other towns in the Texas countryside, Medina can experience all types of weather phenomena – from hailstorms to tornadoes.

When disaster strikes, your insurance company needs to pay up. Unfortunately for many Medina residents, insurance companies don’t like to give you very much money.

It’s an insurance company’s goal to pay you as little money as they legally need to. After all, they’re profit-seeking businesses who need to make money.

Unfortunately for you, that means low settlement offers. It also means insurance companies love putting small stipulations into contracts. “Wind driven rain” is one infamous stipulation: some insurance companies forbid home insurance coverage for “wind driven rain”, which is rain that was driven into your house by wind damage – even if that wind damage occurred during a storm that would ordinarily be covered under your insurance.

Want to fight back against your insurance company’s low settlement offer? You need a public insurance adjuster in Medina, TX.

Public adjusters work on behalf of property owners like you. When you have a large claim – generally over $10,000 – that your insurance company is disputing, it’s in your best interest to hire a public adjuster.

When you need to hire a public adjuster in Medina, ClaimsMate can help. Keep reading to discover what makes us the top choice among people in Bandera County and all nearby areas around San Antonio.

ClaimsMate in Medina Texas

Local Medina Local Public Adjusters


How ClaimsMate in Medina Can Help You

ClaimsMate provides a no-cost service. You fill out an application for free. In most cases, you won’t actually pay anybody anything until you accept your insurance company’s settlement offer. Public adjusters often work on a contingency basis (similar to personal injury lawyers). That gives them an incentive to keep pushing for the highest possible settlement.

So how does ClaimsMate make money? ClaimsMate earns money by referring clients to qualified public adjusters.

Instead of just selling your information to anybody, ClaimsMate maintains a network of handpicked, high-quality public adjusters. Each adjuster has been individually-vetted. Many insurance adjusters in our network used to work for insurance companies around Texas. Now, they work on your behalf.

When you work with ClaimsMate in Medina, you get a local public adjuster. You get someone who understands the unique situations faced by Bandera County residents. You get someone who may have represented your neighbors in the past.

Most importantly, you get a public adjuster who can win a higher settlement on your behalf.

Whether you’ve lived in the Apple Capital of Texas your entire life, or you just recently moved to Medina, you can enjoy the benefits of having local expertise on your side. Contact ClaimsMate today and schedule a free consultation. One of our qualified public adjusters will analyze your claim, discuss the best course of action, and then develop a strategy to maximize your settlement offer. It’s that simple.

Experienced Public Insurance Adjusters Ready To Help

The importance of a local public adjuster cannot be under-stated.

A local public adjuster knows your region. He or she will understand the unique challenges people like you face. In many cases, they’ve even dealt with situations just like yours in the past.

When you work with a nationwide public adjuster service, you don’t get that same level of local experience. Faceless nationwide chains can assign anyone to your case – regardless of their expertise or background.

At ClaimsMate, we reject the notion that larger claims adjuster companies provide a better level of service. We focus on maintaining a network of highly-qualified, locally-experienced agents in greater San Antonio. We believe this leads to better service for our customers.

Here’s the thing to remember: you’re not dealing with some minor traffic ticket. You’re dealing with big financial decisions on your valuable personal property. Whether it’s your house, your vehicle, or your boat, you can’t afford to have a bad public adjuster drop the ball.

In other words, hiring a good insurance adjuster is a decision that could have lifelong effects on your personal finances.

How ClaimsMate Provides Excellence In Service

ClaimsMate has several advantages over the other guys. Our network of highly-experienced, locally-qualified public adjusters offer all the following benefits:

-Free Consultations for Every Client

-Handpicked, Experienced Team of Public Adjusters

-Local Expertise

-Always On Time

-Settlements Can Be Up to 70% More Than what the Insurance Company Initially Offered

-Paid on a Contingency Basis (You Pay Only When You Approve the New Settlement Offer)

-We Work Tirelessly for You (Not the Insurance Company)

Remember: most public claims adjusters work on a contingency basis. You don’t have to pay until you approve the settlement offer. In many cases, our clients find that the settlement offer is 70% higher than what the insurance company initially offered.

Insurance companies base their initial settlements assuming you’re going to negotiate for a better settlement. Don’t get taken advantage of. Hire a public adjuster from ClaimsMate today and maximize the value of your insurance claim.

See Full Article Here: Medina Texas Public Insurance Adjusters

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