Thursday, March 29, 2018

Will the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal Prompt Computer Science to Enter Its Own Age of Enlightenment?

By James Ballot, Senior Advisor, Strategic Messaging, Insurance Information Institute


Many of us are still trying to make sense of how our data were affected by a massive data-scraping operation by the research firm of Cambridge Analytica that allegedly misused personal information of 50 million Facebook users. One expert with  a “big picture” view of this scandal is  Yonatan Zunger, a former engineer/privacy expert at Google, who sees the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica affair as further evidence that computer science needs to have its “A-Bomb” moment.

What Zunger means by this is that the fields comprising computer science have to “come to terms with the responsibility that comes with building things which so profoundly...

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Will the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal Prompt Computer Science to Enter Its Own Age of Enlightenment? was originally posted by Insurance Information Resources

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