Friday, January 18, 2019

Create A Digital Archive: Protect Your Family Photos and Documents

If you’re like many people, that old photo album tucked away in your closet (or in your attic, basement, etc.) is one of your most valuable possessions. In fact, Allstate’s “It’s Not Just Stuff” survey found that more than half of Americans said keepsakes like videos and photos related to family history are “very important” to them. Nearly two-thirds of respondents plan to pass down keepsakes to future generations, but those family photos and documents may last longer if they are preserved digitally.

Memorabilia GIF

Digital preservation, also called personal archiving, is becoming more and more popular, says Russell Martin, a librarian with the District of Columbia Public Library. Creating a personal archive can take a fair...

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Create A Digital Archive: Protect Your Family Photos and Documents was originally posted by Insurance Information Resources

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